Tuesday, January 21, 2025, Board Meeting
6:00 PM
INVOCATION: Director Kathy
In support of a United States Department of Transportation
Raise Grant Application by the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism
for the Development of Trail Infrastructure in the Downtown Urban Corridor of
the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to
support a United States Department of Transportation Raise Grant application by
the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism for the development of
Trail infrastructure in the downtown urban corridor. The project area would
consist largely of Riverfront Park, I30 Crossing Park, and adjacent or
connected areas. The scope of the project would develop a trail network
connecting areas of importance in downtown without conflicting with any
future park and downtown urban development plans. |
AGENDA (Items 1 – 11) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a
contract with Positive Results Lawn Services, Inc., in an amount not to
exceed $106,838.40, for the Adell Drive Drainage
Improvement Project; and for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital
Improvement Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City Manager
to enter into a contract with Positive Results Lawn
Services, Inc., for the Adell Drive Drainage Improvement Project.
(Located in Ward 5) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a
contract with Redstone Construction Group, Inc., in an amount not to exceed
$561,054.48, for the Valley Drive Reconstruction Project; and for other purposes.(Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital
Improvement Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with Redstone Construction Group, Inc., for the Valley Drive Reconstruction
Project. (Located in Ward 2) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cintas Corporation for two (2)
years, in an amount not to exceed $90,000.00, plus applicable taxes and fees,
for the purchase of uniforms for the Public Works Solid Waste Division; and
for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: To
authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement for uniform rental
services with Cintas Corporation for the next two (2) calendar years
(2025-2027). |
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with Positive Results Lawn Services, Inc., in an amount not to exceed
$195,627.60, for the Larch Road Drainage Improvement Project; and for other
purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with Positive Results Lawn Services, Inc., for the Larch Road Drainage
Improvement Project. (Located in Ward
2) |
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with All Service Electric, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $391,013.10, for
the Chenal Club Intersection Improvement Project; and for other purposes. Synopsis: A resolution to
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with All Service Electric, Inc., for the Chenal Club Intersection Improvement
Project. (Located in Ward 5) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Wagner General Contractors, in
an amount not to exceed $5,902,250.00, to rebuild Fire Station No. 9, located
at 1324 North Shackleford Road; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: To authorize the City
Manager to enter into a contract with Wagner General
Contractors for building construction services to rebuild Fire Station 9 at
1324 North Shackleford Road. (Located in Ward 4) |
Supporting the Little Rock Port Authority’s
acceptance of a grant from the Arkansas Economic Development Commission’s
Arkansas Site Development Program to support certain improvements at the Port
of Little Rock; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. |
To authorize the City Manager to execute a renewal
agreement between the City of Little Rock, Arkansas and NV5 Consultants,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00, for engineering consulting
services for the Solar Energy Project; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The City of Little Rock currently has a contract with NV5
Consultants, Inc. (“NV5”) for engineering
consulting services for the City’s solar energy project which will expire January
22, 2025, and is in need of renewal. |
To authorize the City Manager to execute a renewal
agreement between the City of Little Rock, Arkansas and Wright, Lindsey,
Jennings, LLP, in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00, for legal consulting
services for the Solar Energy Project; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The City of Little
Rock currently has a contract with Wright, Lindsey & Jennings, LLP (the
“Firm”) for legal consulting services for the City’s solar energy project
which will expire December 31, 2024, and is in need of
renewal. |
G-25-234-A: To extend
the District at Breckenridge Temporary Entertainment District, for the dates
of December 31, 2024, to December 31, 2025; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The District at Breckenridge (Breckenridge
Village) is seeking Board approval to extend a Temporary Entertainment
District. (Located in Ward 4) |
To set February 4, 2025, as the date of Hearing on
the request to abandon a portion of the Alley Right-of-Way (approximately 150
linear feet) located within Block 10, Woodruff’s Addition in the City of
Little Rock, Arkansas; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. |
Z-10024: To approve a
Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Commercial titled Vargas Body Shop – PD-C, located at 8415 Scott Hamilton
Drive, City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the
City of Little Rock; and for other purposes. (Planning Commission: 9 ayes; 0 nays; 1 absent; and 1 open position) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant is requesting that the
5.50-acre property, located at 8415 Scott Hamilton Drive, be rezoned from
R-2, Single-Family Residential, to PD-C, Planned Development – Commercial, to
recognize the current use of the property as an auto repair shop. (Located in Ward 2) |
Z-10034: To approve a
Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Commercial titled Houk STR-2 PD-C, located at 2014 North Cleveland Street,
City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City
of Little Rock; and for other purposes. (Planning Commission: 9 ayes; 0 nays; 1 absent; and 1 open position) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant is requesting that the
0.15-acre property, located at 2014 North Cleveland Street, be rezoned from
R-2, Single-Family District, to PD-C, Planned Development – Commercial, to
allow for the use of the property as a Short-Term Rental (STR-2). (Located in
Ward 3) |
Z-10072: To approve a
Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Industrial titled Glover – PD-I, located at 3611 Mabelvale Pike, City of
Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little
Rock; and for other purposes. (Planning Commission: 9 ayes; 0 nays; 1 absent; and 1
open position) Staff recommends
approval. Synopsis: The applicant is requesting that the
12.17-acre property, located at 3611 Mabelvale Pike, be rezoned from R-2,
Single-Family Residential, to PD-I, Planned Development – Industrial, to
allow for I-2 permitted uses. (Located in Ward 1) |
Z-10073: To approve
a Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential titled Icon Homes, LLC – PD-R, located at 414 North Spruce
Street, City of Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of
the City of Little Rock; and for other purposes. (Planning Commission: 6 ayes; 3 nays; 1 absent; and 1
open position) Staff recommends
approval. Synopsis: The applicant is requesting that the
0.21-acre property, located at 414 North Spruce Street, be rezoned from R-3, Single-Family
Residential, to PD-R, Planned Development – Residential, to allow for the
construction of two (2) single-family residences. (Located in Ward 3) |
Z-10085: To approve a
Planned Zoning Development and to establish a Planned Development –
Residential titled Brown – PD-R, located at 1705/1709 Boyce Street, City of
Little Rock, Arkansas, amending the official zoning map of the City of Little
Rock; and for other purposes. (Planning Commission: 9 ayes; 0 nays; 1 absent; and 1 open position) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The applicant is
requesting that the 0.70-acre property, located at 1705/1709 Boyce Street, be
rezoned from PCD, Planned Commercial Development, to PD-R, Planned
Development – Residential, to allow for the construction of four (4) duplex
structures (two (2) per lot). (Located in Ward 1) |
SEPARATE ITEMS (Items 17 - 18) |
Authorizing an amendment to increase the contract
amount between the City of Little Rock and Halff
Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $38,000.00, for engineering
services related to the updating of the Little Rock Stormwater Management and
Drainage Manual; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A Resolution to amend a contract with Halff Engineering for additional services while updating
the City of Little Rocks Stormwater Management and Drainage Manual, and MS4
Permit. |
To amend
Little Rock, Ark., Rev. Code § 2-50 (b)(2) (1988) and (c) to clarify the
definition of present at a Meeting of the Little Rock Board of Directors, or
the Meeting of any Board, Commission, or other group appointed, or funded in
whole or in part by the City of Little Rock; to declare an emergency;
and for other purposes. (Sponsored by Director Peck) |
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Three (3) minutes are allowed to present a specific item
that is not already on the Agenda. This time is
allotted for any person to express a written or oral viewpoint, or other
message to the Board of Directors. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is
allotted for citizen communications at each meeting. Individuals wishing to address the City
Board during Citizen Communication will be required to submit a yellow card
to the City Clerk prior to the official start of the meeting, when the Mayor drops the gavel.
Citizen Communication Cards are available on the table in the hallway
located outside of the Board Chambers.
Citizen Communication will be held immediately following the Consent
Agenda items on the first Tuesday and at the end of the printed Agenda on the
third Tuesday. |